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      新聞動態 〉公司新聞
      JTD 2015 Mooncake Gambling Activity

      The moon is becoming rounder and brighter, so the Mid-Autumn Festival must be just around the corner. The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese lunar calendar, and this year it falls on 27nd September, this Sunday.


      Mid-Autumn Festival is the second most important festival after the Spring Festival to Chinese people, is a time for family reunion. For Xiamen people, it’s also a time for their exciting games - ‘Moon-cake Gambling’ or ‘Bobing’.

      During the festival, the ringing of dices could be heard in every corners of Xiamen, whether streets or alleys.


      JTD Group organize a mooncake gambling activity before the arrival of the mid-autumn festival. All staff admire the full moon and gamble for moon cakes in turns according to odd and even dates. 


      Ready, go!



      The biggest winner in the game.


